Frequently Asked Questions About Marketing & Advertising by Concrete Coatings Contractors

As a concrete coatings contractor, you want to maximize good-quality leads at the lowest cost. Marketing and advertising are excellent ways to make this happen, but naturally, you will have questions before starting. In our experience, contractors consistently want to know the answers to a series of questions. Here, we address the questions. 

What are your concrete coatings marketing and advertising strategies?

We want you to acquire customers using a sensible budget, which we do using the following tactics: 

1. Improve your site content to grow organic search results. Excellent website content engages visitors. Helpful information increases visitor time, which search engines like, and it builds the trust visitors have in your business. Engaging content and visitors' time on site will make search engines guide more qualified leads to you. 

2. Give you more options to track your leads, immediately respond to them, and assign them to your employees. You will be set up to respond with texts and emails and automated voice messaging using a designated number. You can then assign leads to designated employees.

3. Grow your email list to build relationships with your prospects and existing customers. We all receive too many emails, but email remains a powerful and free tool to build trust and gain loyalty. When done correctly, emails can be engaging, entertaining, and valuable for the reader. They can lead your prospects to buy your services and provide fantastic insight into your customers' desires.

3. Increase your social media presence to familiarize your flooring expertise with more prospects and customers. Social media is a powerful tool for relationship building and understanding what content and messaging resonate with your target market. Social posts provide the opportunity to delight your audience, exponentially increase your reach, and attract good-quality leads.  

4. Use digital advertising to reach more of your target audience and keep acquiring new customers. Search and display ads offer potent ways to target and retarget your audience to acquire new customers: Google Ads and Facebook offer many formats to reach geographic areas, demos, interests, and life stages.

What are the goals of the marketing?

Concrete coatings contractors want better and bigger flooring projects and more of them. So we set a series of goals to make this happen.

1. Improve lead quality

2. Increase calls of good-quality leads. 

3. Improve interaction with prospects and existing customers

4. Acquire more customers

5. Increase the lifetime value of customers  

What should be my concrete coatings marketing budget?

We use a budgeting system that dependably delivers a certain number of conversions for an amount spent on marketing and advertising. Increasing the spending will increase conversions, which allows for progressive growth. On average, your spending will produce a 5x-10x revenue return implementing our strategy.  

How do we measure marketing results for my concrete coatings business?

Knowing the data has allowed us to test and refine a strategy over the years to understand what delivers good-quality leads and acquires new customers. For campaigns, we set up conversions and track data points in Google Analytics, Google Ads, Social Media, and Email for the following:

1. Calls. Good-quality calls are the most critical metric.

2. Form submissions from lead magnets, site contact, and ads.

3. Conversion rate

4. Cost per conversion

5. Click-thru rate

6. Time spent on-site for visitor engagement.

7. Traffic acquisition to learn from where visitors come.

8. Page depth on site.

9. Bounce rate to know percentage leaving after viewing one page. 

10. Social engagement

11. Social shares

12. Traffic source

13. Organic keywords

14. SEO keywords

How do you reach my potential flooring customers? 

Customers can best be reached using a mix of targeting methods. 

1. Focus on specific, 10-25 mile geographic areas that have high-income homeowners.

2. Reach a particular age demographic and household income.

3. Look for prospects experiencing unique life stages.

4. Target people with specific interests and affiliations.

5. Get in front of people visiting related sites and content.

6. Present the business when people conduct online research. 

How long until I can expect to see digital marketing results? 

Implementation begins quickly. You will see positive results after the first month. You will be in a position to spend more progressively after three months to gain more leads and customers. 

Are you digitally marketing any other concrete coatings contractors in my area? 

We service one concrete coatings contractor per market area, and we will let you know if we are currently working with another contractor.  

How will I differ from my competition's marketing?

Our strategy will enable your business to provide more value to prospects than other competitors. Automatic response and nurturing allow you to get in touch with leads immediately and get an edge over your competition. Plus, engaging and educational information will lead to more valuable website content, lead magnets, emails, and social content to attract better leads and bigger jobs. 

What do I need to do to get started with your digital marketing service?

Implementing our marketing and advertising strategies for your concrete coatings company requires your website to be connected to software tools and for us to have access to your social media accounts. Ideally, you have the tools integrated with your site already and need to grant us access to use them. If you don't have accounts set up for them already, we do this for you and ensure we have permission to access them. Here are the tools we will need:

1. Google Analytics. Requires an account in your business name and a website code snippet to track visitor data.

2. Google My Business. Requires to register your local business with Google so that your business can appear in local search results.

3. Google Ads. Requires an account in your business name and a website code snippet to set up ad campaigns and retarget visitors.

4. Facebook and Instagram. Requires an account in your name, a business page, and a website code snippet to view data from posts, set up ad campaigns, and retarget visitors.

5. Your website. I will need access to upload posts, set up lead magnets, and create landing pages.

6. Email service provider. Requires an account such as Mailchimp linked to your website to send sequenced email campaigns from lead magnet submissions.

7. LinkedIn accounts. A personal and business page to post articles and share them with followers and group associations. 

These tools will allow me to efficiently run your marketing and advertising so that you can start seeing results after the first month.

If you would like our exclusive help with your marketing to generate more qualified leads for your concrete coatings company, get in touch with us to learn more.


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